Sunday, August 15, 2010

How to find followers who are not following me in Twitter

I have followed 225 users in Twitter. But only 150 people follows me back. Normally I follow people having similar likes of me and expect them also follow me. Apart from following them and having replies and retweets with their tweets, some of the users dont follow me back. Hence I decided to unfollow them.

But Twitter doesnt provide a notification in the 'Followers' page whether a user follows me or not. To find out if I am following a person, I have to go to the 'Following' page and cross check with those on the 'Followers' page. This is a cumbersome process and requires more time.

So I decided to search for a twitter app which shows me the people who doesnt mutually follow me. I couldnt find one.

So I devised this technique to unfollow people who doesnt follow me. It is a manual way, but simple and fast.

It goes like this

1. In twitter, click on the 'following' link and go to the following page
2. Click on the Actions tool near to the profile of the person to check
3. If the action tool has five menus - (Mention, Direct Message, Unfollow, Block, Report) you are being followed by that user also (mutual following active)

4. If the action tool has four menus only - you are following that user, but the user dont follow you back. (In this case - the menu - Direct Message will be absent)

5. In that case you can unfollow the person who is not following you back by clicking the unfollow button available in the action menu itself.

Note: Mass following and unfollowing is against Twitter guidelines

Some of you may know this, others may have some other methods, some others may have liked this method. Whatever may be your response, Comment below

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