Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Institute of Journalism, Press Club, Trivandrum - Syllabus for PG Diploma in Journalism

Post Graduate Diploma in journalism (PGDJ)
Institute of Journalism, Press Club, Thiruvananthapuram

Syllabus for PG Diploma in Journalism
Paper I.
History of Journalism
Part A (History of World Journalism)
Origin -- History of World Journalism up to 20th century -- Evolution and growth of Journalism in Europe and America -- Literary and political journal and mass - circulated community newspapers - Major dailies and publications in 19th century - Development of new journalistic theories - Journalism during world wars - the Post-war scene - Turning points in modern media history (Vietnam war, Watergate etc.,) - Rise of the socialist Press - Photo journalism and its impact - Advent of Radio and TV - Communication and IT Revolution - Emergence of satellite TV and current broadcast/ telecast scenario - New information order and emerging trends in world media.
Part B (History of Indian Journalism)
The beginnings -- First phase from 1780 to 1857 - The Indian Renaissance and journalism -- National movement and growth of Indian Press - The ‘English Press’ during the colonial period - The development of Indian Language Press - Press censorship during colonial period - Evolution of News agencies - Indian Press from Independence to Emergency (1947 - 1975) - The story of Indian magazines - Financial papers in India - Birth and growth of Radio/ Television Satellite TV - Prasarbharati - Cable revolution - Press Council of India - Press Commissions - Government media units - Professional associations.
Part C (Political and Cultural history of Kerala and History of Malayalam Journalism)
Kerala: Natural attributes in historical perspective - Early contacts with out side world - Medieval period - Evolution of structural patterns in Kerala Society - Interplay of religious faiths - Emergence of Travancore, Kochi and Malabar - colonial period and its influence on society, language and culture - social reform movements - National Movement and Kerala - The phenomenon of migration - Major political struggles - Unification of Kerala -- Literary movements - Political process after 1957. Missionaries and printing technology - Herman Gundert - Early journals - Birth of mass circulated newspapers - journalism of protest -- national movement and Malayalam press - Birth of political press - the post -Independence scenario - Technology upgradation - circulation boom and big newspapers- Evolution of broadcast / telecast media in Malayalam - TV channels in Malayalam. Paper IIPress Law, Constitution & Code of Ethics
Unit 1General discussion on Law- Legal language- Definition of law in Indian Constitution-Discussion on various types of lawUnit 2Historical background of Indian Constitution- Constituent Assembly- formation of the Union of IndiaUnit 3Features of Indian Constitution-written-federal-republic-parliamentary form of democracy- Preamble sets the objectives-socialist-secularUnit 4Fundamental Rights-Directive Principles of State Policy- Fundamental Duties- restrictions to rights- Discussion the right to propertyUnit 5 Amendments to the Constitution
Unit 6Laws affecting the Press during colonial period- historical approachThe Press and registration Act 1867The Official Secrets Act 1923The Dramatic Performance Act 1876Indian penal Code 1860The Indian telegraph Act 1885Indian Post Office Act 1898The Police (Incitement to Disaffection) Act 1922The Newspaper (Incitement to Offences) Act 1908
Unit 7Two aspects of the Press (1) a means to express public opinion (2) a business Law encourages the first but regulates the second
Unit 8Post-Constitutional Laws that affect the Press directly The Delivery of Books and Newspapers (Public Libraries) Act 1954The Working Journalists and Other Newspaper Employees (Conditions of Service) and Other Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1955Working Journalist (Fixation of Rates of Wages) Act 1958The Newspaper (Price and Page) Act 1956The Parliamentary Proceedings (Protection of Publication) Act 1977The Press Council Act 1978The Prasar Bharati (Broadcasting Corporation of India) Act 1990The Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act 1995Information Technology Act 2000Unit 9 Post-Constitutional laws that affect the Press indirectlyThe Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act 1954The Copyright Act 1957Criminal Procedure Code 1973Criminal Law Amendment Act 1961The Contempt of Courts Act 1971The Indecent representation Women (Prohibition) Act 1986The Right to Information Act 2005
Defamation and the Press- Contempt of legislature- contempt of Court- Trail by PressUnit 10Press Council - a Regulatory mechanism- an Alternate dispute resolution body-Guardian of Code of ethics for the Press
Suggested reading:
Freedom of Information V R Krishna IyerConstitution of India V N ShuklaConstitutional Law H M SeervaiConstitutional Questions in India (Compilation of articles in leading newspapers) A G NooraniPreamble (the spirit and backbone of India) Justice R C Lahoti Law of the Press Durga Das Basu
Annual Reports of the Press Council

Paper IIIContents of Mass Communications
Communications - definition, verbal, non-verbal, Intra, Inter-personal, small group, mass communication etc Channels of communication, Difference between Mass Media and Mass Communication.Models of Communication - Schramm, Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, Osgood and Schramm and Lasswell, Jakobson etcEssentials of Communication, Barriers to Communication, One step flow, Two step flow, Free-flow of Information, Opinion LeadersFunctions of Communication - Contemporary dimensionSelectivity theories, consistency theory and uses and gratification theoryMedia effects - a) socialization b) agenda-setting c) gate-keeping d) cultivation, e) knowledge gap f) spiral of silence g) cultural imperialism g) reinforcementTheories of the Press - Authoritarian, Libertarian, Marxist, Development and Democratic - Participative media theory Frankfurt, Birmingham schools etc 9. Genres - Content Analysis 10. Mass media and mass society/mass culture, AIR - emergence and role in Indian Communication. External Services, Development and Rural CommunicationIndian face for television - SITE, Infotainment, Edutainment, Cable, Satellite invasion, arrival of private channels 13. Autonomy for the Media culminating in Prasar Bharati 14. Tele-serials, ‘religious soap’ Internet Revolution 16. Audiences & Audience Research, TRP. *What are the changes that have come in the traditional concept of audience with the arrival of multiple channels and interconnectivity
Newspaper Management1. Newspaper - a packaged commodity2. Ownership patterns. Newspaper management - a mix of good journalism, and shrewd business 3. Emergence of owner-editor4. Role of the publisher5. Circulation , ABC, National Readership Survey6. Advertisements -classified, display, national, regional etc, no sacred space for news7. Current scenario - i)Vernacular papers move into metros. Eenadu (Ramoji Rao), Manorama experiments ii) Times of India sets moving, the new trends in the newspaper industry - cutting prices, setting up editions in traditional strongholds of papers like The Hindu, Hindustan Times, Deccan Herald. iii) The race for advertising revenue / space. Both for the regional and the national advertising iv) Economics of publishing, brand extensions, space buying and selling, cpt, etc v) FDI -opening up of the media, portents etc.

Recommended Reading :-
1 Dynamics of Mass Communication - Joseph Dominique*2. Man Messages and Media -Studies in Human Communication - Wilbur Schramm and Others* 3. Mass Communications Theory - Denis Mc Quail4. Essentials of Mass Communications Theory - Arthur Asa Berger*5. Why Viewers Watch -A reappraisal of TV effects - Jib Fowles6. Understanding Media - Marshall Mc Luhan7. The Culture Industry -Theodore Adorno*8. India’s Communication Revolution , From Bullock Carts to Cyber Marts- Arvind Singhal and Everett Rogers*9. Politics after Television , Hindu Nationalism and Reshaping of Public in India.-Arvind Rajagopal 10. Screeening Culture and Viewing Politics, Television, Womanhood and Nation in Modern India - Purnima Mankekar11. Covering Islam -Edward M Said12. Manwatching _Desmond Morris 13. Reading Media Columns by Sevanti Ninan and those that appear in Malayalam and Kalakaumudi weeklies are also recommended. * Covers the basic topics
Newspaper Management -Newspaper Management - Frank Thayer “” Organization and Management - Herbert Lee WilliamsIndia’s Newspaper Revolution - Robin Jeffrey (now available in Malayalam also)The Indian Media Business -Vanita Kohli
Brand Equity the ET pull-out is also recommended because of the vital role played by Advtg both in the print and the audio-visual medium. The articles in this aid understanding strategies of corporates and business groups.
India, The Siege Within - M J Akbar is suggested not as part of the rigid framework of the paper/syllabus but to understand how things have come to such a pass post-1947, and to give a feel of India, and not a purely insular Kerala perspective.

Points to be considered during this new session
Can we not do away with this business of giving notes? As Journalism students, they should be searching out contents for themselves and practise taking notes. One reason for the slackness, I believe, is the comfort that reproducing the notes provided by the faculty will see them through the exams. I have for this reason kept the notes brief. Therefore, I have just scoured the modern trends in Indian TV and Print etc. in the notes. For a subject that is changing at such a fast pace, it is extremely difficult to update the notes
Assignments given last year were on -1) a feature on the manner in which people use the medium, written after meeting at least 10 persons. Care to be taken that there is a balance in age, profession, gender, socio-economic status etc with a 600 -800 word limit.2) Genre Analysis in TV content . The first one took two months (!) coming and therefore the second remained undone.
I have felt that learning to write within prescribed word limits would be helpful in more ways than one. This primarily puts a check on rambling and beating about the bush which is often done in the belief that a ‘Theory’ paper means marks in weight and not on content! Suggestions to view a week’s programme or a particular slot on a channel and analyse contents in a manner that will help relate to what is taken in class is often met with, “We don’t have cable connection at home,” or “We are not at home when the said programmes are telecast.”
The Mass Communications section could be limited to a fifty marks (50) section of Paper III.

Paper IV
General Reporting
Part A
Definitions of news - News values - Reporter’s role and responsibilities - Structure of news bureau - News - Gathering techniques - Structure of different types of News stories - Types of lead - Reporting for dailies, eveningers and magazines - The concept of beat - Major beats: crime, law courts, civic issues and civic bodies, politics, legislature, art and culture environment, education, health etc. - Reporting elections - Backgrounding and follow -up - Reporting from national capital and state capitals - Reporting from foreign countries and covering international events - Investigative, interpretative and in-depth stories - Trend stories - Human interest stories -- Sensationalism - Deadline - In-house style - Bureau - Desk-co-ordination Glossary of reporting terms - Reporting for Malayalam media.
Part B
News agency and agency techniques - Distinctive features of agency journalism - Staple news - priorities and procedures - concept of lead in agency stories -- Running story -- Structure of news agency - News agency in Electronic era - Photo service - Glossary of agency terms.

Paper V
Special Reporting
Part A
The concept of specialized reporting - The requirements for specialized reporter - The role of the specialist.
Financial Journalism: Evolution of financial journalism in India - Capital markets - Corporate reporting - Banking - Money market - Foreign exchange - Public finance - BudgetSports Reporting: Requirements of a sports reporter - Major disciplines -- importance of statistics - rules and regulations of different disciplines - Sports reporting terms - Style - Major international and national events - Sports bodies - Preparing calendar - Reporting sports foe electronic media - DeadlinesScience & Technology: Requirements of S&T reporter - Making science comprehensible - science reporting for dailies and specialized journals - Covering S&T organizations -- special fields - Glossary of scientific terms.Feature & Column writing: Principles of creative writing - Developments of language skills - Style - The art of feature writing - Human-interest stories - Reviews, profiles and obituaries -- writing for children - Travel writing - Writing on art and culture.

Paper VI
Principles of editing-Glossary of Editing terms - Different types of copy - Structure of news room and individual responsibilities - News flow management and copy tasting -- Pitfalls like libel, slant, colour, editorialising etc - copy subbing both manual and online - Translation and transcreation -- Handling agency copy - Cartoon - Editing features and feature pages - Edit page -Headlining - and captions - Font selection - Handling mofussil copy - Rewriting - Handling feed back - co-ordination with news bureaux and other departments - Boxes, jumps and - Subheads - Preparing news briefs.

Paper VII
Newspaper design and Production
Edition planning - Introduction to production technology - Principles of Newspaper designing --The art and science of layout - Front page, inner pages and special pages - Balance, focus, unity - Working with dummy - Different systems of page-making - Format and column width - Pagination - New hardware and software for newspaper design - The concept of visual communication from masthead to imprint line - Rules, boarders, boxes and screens - Reliefs - Importance of whit space -- Photo editing and placing - Info graphics Designing of Malayalam Newspapers - Newspaper design for special occasions like elections, budget, catastrophe etc.

Paper VIII
Audio Visual Media
Elements of entertainment - Visual language - Camera shots and different types of shots - Camera movements - Elements of Visual editing - The Television Team - The TV studio -- Different TV programmes - TV cameras -colour systems and formats.
TV newsroom: News writing and reporting -- Different types and techniques of interview TV news production -- Different stages in studio and outdoor production. Documentaries - Script writing - Programme presentation and anchoring - Production of live telecast.
Practicals: Scripting for a documentary - News writing and reporting - Production of news capsules - Production of a documentary.
Different types of Radio programmes - Radio play - Radio magazine - Radio documentary - Radio news writing - Reporting and production of Radio News bulletin - Running commentary - Interviews - Discussions.
Practicals: Preparation and production of Radio news bulletin
Multimedia and online Journalism

Paper IX
Public Relations and Advertising
Part A Public Relations
Role, origin and future - Essential functions of PR - The PR process and methods - The concept of media relations - The art and science of Image building - PR for individual, organizations and government - PR in corporate sector - Consultancy -- Event management - Internal PR -- Practicals
Part B Advertising
Evolution of advertising as major communication tool - Dynamics of modern advertising - Advertising agencies - Market and consumers - Agency structure - The client-Agency relationship - Media planning and media research - Budgeting - The principles of persuasion - Evaluation of effects - Visualisation and copy creation - Presentations - Ad spots - Different types of campaign - Opinion polls - Market Research -- New technology and emerging trends - Practicals.

This is what I studied for one year...
(Re-Uploaded from my earlier blog posted on 5/11/07)

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